Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Valley

Oh, Today. Words can't describe how good today was, but I will do my best. I woke up and it was snowing. What a great start. I love the snow. It wasn't a bad snow, just light flurries, which were really pretty. I wrote yesterday's blog, then headed down to the restaurant to find Miss Sherry. She asked if I would go with her to town and I told her sure (I mean, what else was I going to do?) I drove her to the elementary school for a parent teacher conference, and she told me how to get to downtown Jackson. I drove down there and got to see the giant, elk antler arches on the square in downtown, they were so cool. I went to a local coffee/bagel place called Pearl Street Bagels. I ordered an asiago cheese bagel with homemade sun-dried tomato cream cheese, and a cappuccino. Oh my. So so so yummy. And the girl put my order in wrong, so I only payed 3 dollars. I told her it wasn't right, and she told me not to worry about it. I think she liked me. Just kidding. But seriously.

I walked around, went to a couple shops, bought some postcards, then headed back to pick up Miss Sherry from the school. We went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for the barbeque dinner they have on Thursday nights for the restaurant.

Came back to the Camp Creek, and helped her unload everything. She told me how to get to the parks, and just let me borrow her car to go out and explore. So explore I did. I was gone for four hours. I got lost. Got found. Got out of the car. Got lost on foot. Got to explore a river valley. Got lost again. Got to see wild animals. I mean, seriously, it was really great. I went and did some hiking in the back of Gros Ventre National Forrest. I saw wild buffalo, tons of birds, snow capped mountains. It was so beautiful. I drove around with the windows down, and the music blaring, just enjoy the Kingdom. I really could see myself living out here sometime. Every single time I see the Tetons, the only thing I imagine is climbing them. I know for sure I will be back, just to climb those suckers. That is all I really want to do right now. I know it's not super possible due to my time constraints, but I want to SO bad.

Anyways, I came back to Camp Creek, and did a little hiking in the back yard. There is an elk refuge behind the little mountain behind the buildings that I got to go exploring through. I then came back and asked Miss Sherry if she needed help doing anything preparing for tonight's dinner (they just recently bought Camp Creek Inn and are redoing the restaurant, so are in the process of learning and redoing the meals here.) I ended up getting to serve her by cleaning and straightening for two and a half hours. It was really great. For one, it was awesome to just get to love her and her family by helping out with their new business. For two, I felt like I actually got to do something to deserve all the hospitality she has given me in the last two days.

I finished up and had some rockin' barbeque. They have this stuff called Camp Creek Crunch. It is the desert. Essentially, it is graham cracker, caramel, almond chocolate ice cream, and butterfingers on top. It is super addicting, so I had a huge chunk of that for desert. When Lucy (Colby's wife) came home from work at the hospital, we went and played with her pet chickens. We dug up worms and fed them. It was pretty funny. I then played soccer with one of Miss Sherry's daughters and her friends. That was super hilarious. I just held a cup of tea while running around like a little kid again.

If any guys that read this are interested in being a counselor for Miss Sherry at Camp Living Water out here in Wyoming, let me know immediately. Will Cannon did it a couple of summers ago and loved it. I strongly encourage all you dudes that don't have serious plans yet to consider working out here. You won't be let down, I promise.

Anyways, I also got to go act really awkward to one of the family friends that was in for dinner for her birthday. She just turned sixteen. Miss Sherry convinced me to go to her with a bouquet of flowers and essentially profess my love for her. I didn't really want to. But did anyways. For a high schooler, she was incredibly witty and clever. I was pleasantly surprised she went along with it so well. I know if a creepy bearded guy came up to me with flowers in a restaurant, I might be slightly weirded out. Probably a 9 on a 10 scale of weirdness. But she gave me a hug, and went along right with it. So that was great.

Overall, I didn't need to take today off. I probably should have headed to Denver since it ended up being a nice day. But I just can't get over how blessed I have been with meeting such incredible people. This family is outstanding. I have learned a ton just by being in the presence of them and the Keefe's in the last couple days. I know how I want to treat people when I am in a position to offer hospitality like they have. It has been eyeopening. So thank you both for that. I am bummed I have to leave such a beautiful place and beautiful families, but I do have to get home eventually. Rain or shine. But I am so excited to get on the road again and pedal like never before. Seriously, wait until you see the pictures from today later this year. It is prettier than you can imagine. And the photos don't do them justice. Not even in the slightest.

So bring on the reign!

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